
Persa Victor Manuel currently has about a thousand stores which provide a varied offer of products and unique items. All the stores are segmented by different items, such as books, antiques, art, video games, clothes, kick-knacks, among others. The storekeepers are the soul of this place, some of them have been in their shops for many years, collecting and restoring relics and unique objects: real treasures.
Many of these objects take us back to the past, and we can only find them here, in this historic place that is popularly known as "The antique dealers' storehouse".
Some of the storekeepers are recognized by the visitors for their characteristic outfit and for the career they have had here. Some of them are "El Mexicano", "El Cachurero", "La señora de las lámparas", "El cineasta", among others. If you want to know more about iconic storekeepers, you can find more information in the book "Retratos del Persa Victor Manuel" which is available at La Curtiembre Gallery.
Storehouses and Sectors
Persa Victor Manuel consists of 8 storehouses and 7 sectors. Each warehouse and sector are signposted.
Below you can see what you will find in each one of them:
Warehouse 1
Warehouse 1
- Antiques
- Art
- Kick-knacks
- Mesotherapy
- Lamps
- Books
Warehouse 2
- Antiques
- Kitchenware
- Kick-knacks
- Books
- Clothes
- Art
Warehouse 3
- Video consoles and video games
Warehouse 4
- Kitchenware
- Film equipment
- Military Antiques
- Art
- Photographic equipment
- Office Supplies
- Advertising equipment
- Kick-knacks
- Sports
- Hardware
- Medical supplies
- Books
- Alternative medicine
- Collectibles
- Hairdressing
- Perfumes
- Plants
- Clothes
- Vinyl discs
- Pets
- Beverages
Warehouse 5
- Space currently dedicated to trade fairs, events and locations.
Warehouse 6
- Car accessories
- Film equipment
- Art
- Kitchenware
- Photographic equipment
- Office Supplies
- Advertising equipment
- Audio & video
- Café and food
- Kick-knacks
- Video consoles
- Sports
- Hardware
- Books
- Collectibles
- Hairdressing
- Clothes
- Vinyl discs
Warehouse 7
- Antiques
- Art
- Kitchenware
- Office Supplies
- Kick-knacks
- Hardware
- Books
- Perfumes
Warehouse 8
- Kick-knacks
- Numismatics
- Collectibles
- Audio & video
- Antiques
- Art
- Handicrafts
- Books and Magazines
- Clothes
- Vinyl discs
Sector 1
- Military Antiques
- Art
- Kitchenware
- Office Supplies
- Audio & Video
- Bicycles
- Kick-knacks
- Café and food
- Sports
- Hardware
- Medical Supplies
- Toys
- Lamps
- Pets
- Plants
- Services & Repairs
- Clothes
- Beverages
Sector 2
- Photographic equipment
- Art
- Kitchenware
- Office Supplies
- Advertising equipment
- Audio
- Bicycles
- Kick-knacks
- Video consoles
- Sports
- Hardware
- Medical supplies
- Books & magazines
- Pets
- Collectibles
- Clothes
- Beverages
Sector 3
- Antiques
- Audio
- Beverages
- Kick-knacks
- Hardware
- Medical supplies
- Military antiques
- Kitchenware
Sector 4
- Car accessories
- Baby accessories
- Advertising equipment
- Art and decoration
- Audio & Video
- Bicycles
- Kick-knacks
- Video consoles
- Sports
- Hardware
- Books
- Pets
- Clothes
- Vinyl discs
- Medical supplies
- Healthy products
- Beverages
Sector 5
- Car accessories
- Antiques
- Office Supplies
- Art
- Handicrafts
- Steel items
- Kitchenware
- Photographic equipment
- Audio & Video
- Bicycles and accessories
- Kick-knacks
- Café and food
- Sports and Outdoor equipment
- Hardware
- Medical supplies
- Books & magazines
- Pets
- Collectibles
- Perfumes
- Plants and seeds
- Advertising equipment
- Clothes
- Vinyl discs
Sector 7
La Curtiembre gallery,
- Printed art and various crafts: paintings, photographs, books, independent designers, fine art, chocolates, among others.
Sector 8
- Art
- Car accessories
- Antiques
- Books and Magazines